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4 Nail Technician Tips for Beginners

man getting coticules trimmed during manicure

Depending on location, the nail tech market can be quite saturated. There can be thousands of good nail techs, but what makes a great nail technician? It can be hard to stand out from the crowd and expand your nail tech business. Today we’ll share with you four things that make a nail tech great […]

Insurance 101 for Nail Technicians

nail technician painting woman's toenails pink

Being a nail technician is a rewarding job—making people happy by helping their nails be healthy and beautiful is what you do. While this is a fun career, there are also a few risks associated with it. At Beauty and Bodywork Insurance, we know you do your best as a trained professional to avoid accidents, […]

Nail Technician Insurance: The Breakdown

nail technician and client

As a professional, you’re already aware that it’s smart business practice to carry a nail technician insurance policy; however, it can be difficult to wade through unfamiliar insurance jargon. We thought you’d like a quick breakdown of our program highlights and an explanation why the Beauty & Bodywork Insurance program is the right choice for […]

Do Nail Technicians Need Insurance?

Young male manicurist smiles while painting client's nails.

Last updated on May 30, 2024. Do nail technicians need insurance? The short answer: Yes! But let’s have a quick story time first. In June 2023, a Portland woman went to a nail salon for an acrylic manicure. A few days later, one of her fingers became enflamed with painful blisters. The cause? Infection from […]