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Professional Liability Insurance vs. General Liability Insurance

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As a business owner, your massage therapy education, training, supplies, and advertising efforts are at the forefront of your mind. Insurance is probably the last thing you want to think about. Since any workspace can turn into an uncontrolled environment and there are many unknown variables out there, it is important to have coverage that can respond to injuries that may occur. Learn about how professional massage liability insurance and general liability can be beneficial for your massage therapy business below.

Massage Professional Liability Insurance

(also known as errors and omissions insurance) is designed to respond to negligence claims. As a massage therapist, a client could sue you for failure to use a degree of care considered reasonable under a given set of circumstances and you may need to defend yourself in court.

Example: A client sues a massage therapist for allegedly overheating the hot stones for their massage and sustaining serious burns on their body. Depending on the claim, professional liability insurance may cover legal defense costs and give you financial peace of mind.

General Liability Insurance

(also known as business liability insurance) Unlike professional liability insurance, general liability insurance can respond to instances that occur while running your normal business operations.

This type of coverage can help protect your business from claims that come from your business such as:

  • Property damage
  • Physical injury
  • Lawsuit costs

Example: A client trips over an essential oil diffusor cord and breaks their ankle.

With Beauty and Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

you don’t need to worry about choosing between massage professional liability insurance or general liability insurance for your business. Our insurance policy offers general and professional liability with a $3 million aggregate for bodily injury and property damage claims that you become legally obligated to pay due to your business and professional services.

Remember that you have spent countless hours building your business and it can all be lost without coverage. What are you waiting for? Join the thousands of massage therapists nationwide who have found peace of mind by purchasing coverage from BBI.


Common Questions

What is Massage Insurance

Massage therapy insurance helps you protect yourself and your business from liability claims. These types of claims can include bodily injury, property damage, allergic reactions to oils, and more. To have a strong base of coverage, massage therapy insurance should, at the very least, provide general liability, professional liability, products & completed operations, and inland marine coverage (a form of property coverage).

If you have any questions about these coverage types, please feel free to call one of our licensed agents at 888-568-0548 for a no-obligation consultation.

How Much Does Massage Insurance Cost?

When purchasing massage therapy insurance, premiums are calculated based on several variables. Some examples include: the state you’re in, total gross annual revenue, the types of modalities you provide, how many additional insureds you need to add, the coverage limits you select, and more.

However, to make things simple, at Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI) we offer one price for professionals ($96). Please note that if your services include any of the excluded methods listed on our site, you will not qualify for coverage under these prices.

Do I Need Massage Insurance

Many franchises and spas will require you to have massage therapy insurance before they will contract with you. In addition, because you are working on the human body, there is always the chance someone might react negatively to your services or the products you use. These risks are simply a part of being a massage therapist, which is why it’s important to protect your assets by purchasing massage therapy insurance. Without insurance coverage, you may be responsible for paying defense costs and claims out-of-pocket.


Get Covered With

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance

Policies Starting at


a month

or $96/year

Get Covered With

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance

Policies Starting at

a year



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