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4 Secrets You Never Knew about Cosmetologists

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woman telling a secret

Right now, cosmetology is one of the hottest careers. Growth projections through 2024 estimate a 10% increase in jobs, which is above average for all industries.

This growth may be related to the public perception that cosmetology is a glamorous and fun-filled job. And while this isn’t necessarily untrue, there’s a lot more that goes on behind the scenes for cosmetologists.

So, for all you hard-working cosmetologists out there, it’s time to pull back the curtain and share some of the lesser-known details about your jobs so you can get the credit you deserve for all your hard work:

  1. Being a “therapist” for clients is exhausting.Listening to people’s problems and drama all day is definitely interesting. But it can also be emotionally draining. Since I don’t usually know the people you’re talking about, it can be hard to keep track of your stories, make sure I’m paying attention to your hair, and respond appropriately to the conversation.

    Juggling all of this information requires a lot of brainpower.

    But I’m happy to do it, because even though it’s exhausting, one of the best parts of my job is connecting with people.

  1. The workdays are long and I often sacrifice weekends.Since a lot of my client’s work regular hours, a lot of my appointments take place when they are off work—in the evenings and on Saturdays. Going out with friends or family doesn’t always happen as often as I’d like because I need to work.

    Also, most of the hours I’m at work are spent on my feet. At the end of the day, my body is often sore and achy. However, because I work for myself, I love that I’m able to be more flexible with my hours when I really need to.

  1. I’m basically the “Renaissance man” of the beauty industry.As a cosmetologist, I took courses in hair, makeup, skin treatments, nail care, and more. This means I can be your secret weapon if you need more than one service. I do have preferences, though, for the types of services I provide, as well as specialties. But, I’ve got your back if you ever find yourself in a pinch.
  1. I won’t always remember your name.See the above points about long workdays and emotional exhaustion.

    Also, because I see a lot of clients each day, and you might go weeks between your services, chances are I’ve worked on hundreds of other people before your next appointment. It’s nothing against you personally, I promise.

Despite some of these realities, being a cosmetologist is truly a rewarding career. At Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI), we understand all of the time, effort, and dedication you pour into your job, and we just want to say “Thanks!”

What other secrets about your job did we miss? Share them with us in the comments below!

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