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Why Are You Paying So Much For Beauty Insurance?

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beauty professional standing in store

The insurance landscape can be tricky to navigate. Deciding which policy provides quality coverage at the price you deserve can be a tough decision to make. Here at Beauty and Bodywork Insurance (BBI), we believe in providing beauty professionals top-rated coverage for as low as $96 a year.

How Much Does BBI Cost?

BBI makes insurance affordable, convenient and quick. Beauticians can purchase a policy for as low as $96/year with our quote-to-certificate process handled completely online.

You can also add one additional insured, such as a salon owner, for $15, or an unlimited number of additional insureds for $30 during the purchasing process.

Most clients find they can complete their purchase within 10 minutes or less. Seconds after their transaction, they also can login to their customer dashboard and access all of their policy documents.

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What Does BBI Cover?

An individual’s skin and hair is the most visible part of their body, so it makes sense people want to take care of it through treatments provided by licensed beauticians. As a professional, you know all the latest techniques and procedures to ensure your clients look their very best.

Despite your attention to being cautious, even licensed beauticians are vulnerable to accidents, mistakes or other mishaps that may harm their client. Obtaining beauty insurance protects you in case things go wrong.

Coverage from Beauty & Bodywork Insurance

  • General & Professional Liability Aggregate Limit: $3,000,000
  • Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit: $3,000,000
  • General and Professional Liability – Each Occurrence Limit: $2,000,000
  • Damage to Premises Rented to You Aggregate Limit: $300,000
  • (Optional) Inland Marine/Business Personal Property Aggregate Limits: $2,000 – $10,000

BBI even protects you against criminal acts. Your business tools, the computer you use to schedule appointments, and personal property are easy targets for thieves. Purchasing an insurance policy from BBI ensures if you are a victim of theft, you can receive coverage for your personal business property.

Claim Examples:

  • A woman was visiting her local spa for a routine appointment, while reaching for a table to support herself she fell and broke her hip. A suit was filed against the spa owner and BBI covered $62,665.
  • A waterspout was left running in a salon all night long. When the insured returned in the morning, the entire basement and salon unit was damaged. A claim was filed and BBI covered $4,895 in damages.
  • A cosmetologist applied a color barrier to the client’s hairline. While the procedure was being performed the barrier melted and scratched the cornea of the client’s eye. A suit was filed and BBI covered $3,500.
  • A salon was robbed leaving the cash register broken, cash and products stolen and two desktop computers stolen. Insured filed a claim and BBI covered $2,000 in damages.

Find a full list of coverage details.

How Do You Apply?

Believe it or not, BBI does not charge membership fees. BBI keeps it simple with one convenient insurance policy: one for professional beauticians.

To obtain quality coverage in minutes, purchase your beauty insurance policy today!

All insurance policies have conditions, limitations and exclusions. Please refer to the policy for exact coverages. Claim scenario circumstances vary in nature and similar claims do not guarantee coverage.

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Beauty & Bodywork Insurance

Policies Starting at


a month

or $96/year

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Beauty & Bodywork Insurance

Policies Starting at

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