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Working Alone? Essential Safety Tips for Massage Therapists

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If you work independently as a massage therapist, safety should be one of your top priorities. Whether you have your own storefront, go to clients’ homes, or work from your own home, there are easy steps to take to discourage thieves or other malicious individuals from taking action against you. We want you to be safe so that you can focus on providing your customers with the best care.

Booking Clients

One might think that safety begins at the start of the appointment; however, it actually starts when you speak to your clients over the phone. Make it a practice to collect certain information while on the phone with both new and returning clients. Information that should be gathered includes first name, last name, and telephone number. If you sense any kind of hesitation when asking for this information or if they refuse to provide it, it’s probably a better idea to not book the appointment. In those situations, especially when you’ve never worked with the client, losing an appointment should be the least of your concerns. Your personal safety is more important.

Working From Your Home

There are many things you can do to ensure your personal safety if you work from your home. Before your client arrives, close all of the doors in your home with the exception of the room you will be using for the massage. This allows you to hide any personal items that you don’t want your client to see (namely valuables), and your client will not know if there are others in the home with you. In following this practice, you can prevent certain situations from happening.

Another important practice is to make sure that someone you trust has access to your appointment book. Taking this step allows for somebody at all times to know who you are with and what times you should be able to answer your phone. If you are concerned about a particular appointment, consider texting or calling your trusted person before and after the appointment.

Inappropriate Behavior

If at any time during an appointment you feel uncomfortable because of inappropriate behavior by the client, stop the appointment immediately. While it might not escalate any further than what was said or done, it’s not worth it to find out. Ask the client politely to leave and step out of the room.

House Calls

If you provide your services at your clients’ homes, it is extremely important that personal safety is at the forefront of your mind. When you arrive, inspect the location to make sure it seems like a safe place. Many of the same safety measures you would use working from your own home apply at your client’s home as well. Make sure someone knows where you are and who you are with at all times, establish a professional presence to communicate your relationship with the client, and leave immediately if something that was said or done makes you uncomfortable.

While it’s unlikely that something will happen to you while you are working with your clients, it is important to eliminate the risks whenever possible. Even when working with long-time clients you should exercise caution to a certain extent and never put yourself in a situation that you will regret. Many of these suggestions also increase the level of professionalism for your business, which can lead to more repeat customers and referrals.

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