Is Your State Next? Insurance Requirements for Massage License Renewals

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Oklahoma flag

Oklahoma is the most recent state to pass legislation requiring licensed massage therapists (LMTs) to have massage therapy liability insurance in order to renew their licenses.

Though the law was passed in May 2016, it goes into effect on May 1st, 2017. So if you’re a massage therapist in Oklahoma, you will need “proof that [you] currently maintain liability insurance for practice as a massage therapist.”

To read the law for yourself, you can access it here.

More States Are Trending Towards Requiring Insurance for Licensing

Oklahoma is not the only state to have passed this type of legislation. It’s just the newest.

Currently, eight states (including Oklahoma) have these kinds of laws. The other seven are:

Even though eight might not seem like a lot, the fact is that it’s only a matter of time before eight becomes 15, 15 becomes 25, 25 become 40, and 40 becomes 50.

In general, states are increasing their oversight of the beauty & bodyworker industry as a whole. Though historically the professions within this industry haven’t been highly regulated, that’s starting to change.

Since massage therapists are a huge part of the beauty & bodywork industry, this trend applies to them as well.

So What Does This Mean for You as a Massage Therapist?

Well, first off, if you live in one of the eight states, make sure you have liability insurance tailored to your needs as a massage therapist. (BBI can help with that . . . we’re one of the most affordable and comprehensive policies out there.)

If you don’t live in one of those states, it’s still in your best interest to purchase coverage. First, so your massage therapy is covered for mishaps like bodily injury, lawsuits, or property damage. Second, having massage therapy insurance is a best business practice, and you’ll be ready if your state does pass insurance requirements.

Regardless of whether it’s a state law, insurance is designed to protect you. Because you’re working on the human body, there’s always room for errors or accidents. These kinds of accidents can cost you thousands of dollars or more.

In addition to accident claims (commonly called “bodily injury claims” by us insurance people), there are many other reasons why you need insurance, and you can read a more comprehensive discussion of them here.

Protect Your Business & Comply with State Laws

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance is exactly the type of liability coverage you need to make sure you’re able to renew your license and keep your business safe from the financial effects of a claim. Purchase coverage today for only $96.

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Ready to Make Your Life A Whole Lot Easier?

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